
A recap on our first year.

Whoever would have thought that 2 kids who grew up together from a small town would end up eternal companions.. I'm sure it happens alot, but i never imagined it happening to me. Andrew and I met in the fourth grade and were such close friends all the way up to our graduation day when shortly after he left on a mission. I promised him cookies and lots of letters, but i got caught up in life and didn't keep my promise. We started up our friendship again shortly after he returned home and we got hooked! Now here we are starting the second year of our marriage! I look at my life and what i have accomplished so far and think i still have so much growing up, and so many more things to do. We still have to start a family, i have to finish my degree, i have to fulfill my calling in church, make it to family get togethers... All these things seem so little, but they all are a big part of my life. I'm thankful that i married someone who i can share and enjoy this with. The gospel brought us to where we are and we have yet to see where it will take us. We have had the opportunity to go through the Salt Lake Temple in Utah. It was such a beautiful temple, it excites me to know of how many more temples i will go through in my lfe with Andrew. Right now as i am blogging, he is behind me playing mario and asking me to come play. I will quote his sentence. "Ah man, mandy. I am home frmo work playing mario and you are blogging. come plau mario with me?" "OH NO!!! SHOOT" haha funny. I am trying to blog about a special event and my feelings and he is harrassing me about mario! See what a year of marriage does already to us! haha, well he just dies... twice.. i better go help him and be ..."Fun."

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