
Crandell Reunion/Vacation part 4-Grandin Press

The Grandin Press was one of my favorite places that we visited.  This was Fred and Carolines site to tell us about. This was one of the most sporitual stops for me. I remember giving fred a hug after we left and uncontrollably crying. It made the people in front of me turn around (yes it was andrew) and ask me what my deal was:) There was just something that hit me all at once when Fred was giving us his testimony and how its so easy to fall away from the things we know to be true. It makes me think of how selfish i am when i look at what these saints did for us. It literally gave me goosebumps knowing that the Book of Mormon was "bound" here. The process of how they did it was so greuling and such long and tedious work! I think the convenience factor nowadays is completely taken for grantid. I am grateful for the fact that we are able to purchase this magnificent book at any deseret bookstore:) To think that all this work happened in just 24 months. wow.

Forgive me for i forgot what this machine did... I am pretty sure this is where they were able to put the whole and actualy do the binding of it.
 These were the ink markers, they would ink these and then rub them on the paper

 here is a copy before the hard covers were placed

And this was the finished product. Amazing.
This room was where they did all the inking and actually copying the words to the paper. The ink on this wall is original.

 This is the press where they would lay the paper and copy it onto both sides.
 where they hung the sheets to dry

 this was the translated copy, almost illegible... in this picture there are metal letters that they would make into a word, they would fill this block and then stamp it onto each page... not exactly in the sisters same verbage but still the same outcome:)


The room was barely big enough for about 10 people just to stand, in this picture it shows what it would have looked like during production of the BOM. Good thing there was not very much obesity back in these times.

 E.B. Grandin published 5,000 copies of the first edition of the Book of Mormon in Palmyra, New York in 1830 for $3,000. Translated by Joseph Smith Jr. through the power of God, this book contains the ancient account of the people in the Americas. In 1998 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints restored the E.B. Grandin Printing Press to its original 1830 state.

Crandell Reunion/Vacation part 3-Alvin's Grave

Another stop along our trip was to Alvin's Grave. Alvin Smith was Joseph Smith's brother and Joseph Smith and Lucy Smiths son.He died in 1823 and was buried here in Palmyra, New York. The original headstone is encased in the back of a newer headstone because of the wear and aging. This Cemetery is on a hill which was the site of the first school house in Palmyra, NY. It was neat to visit such an old cemetary and know that the body of someone who lived back there rests.

 This reads:
In Memory of Alvin, son of Joseph & Lucy Smith who died Nov 19,  1823 in the 25th year of his life.
here is some of our group who was all there


So... I am really bad about blogging and I'm pretty muh thinking its time to just cancel this blog... but now that i have a baby, i feel to keep it at times, even though i dont blog very often, even about Brighton... The intentions of blogging about our awesome vacation was to do it right when i got back so i could put down all my feelings and that turned out not so well... so i will do an update about my interview and then i will continue on from there.

My interview lasted for about an hour and a half and when i started i felt like i was going to vomit... i even said that out loud... my miserable attempt of a "business: plan got a "ok" per my manager as a good attempt. I litterally had no idea what i was doing. I just know how to do my job when im there... its all about the execution apparently in management:)

Well I got it.! Literally I kid you not, i wanted to sing, (and i did), shortly after i found out i got it i found out my old branch manager who i could not stand was not longer with the company. Great job Wells Fargo for putting some more money in your pocket.

I had to take a step back and let go of the bitterness i felt for the people who i let ALMOST ruin my career at wells fargo. They are no longer in my store and some not even with the company. I have worked so hard, so patiently and so honestly to get to the point where i am today. Don't get me wrong.. being a working mother sucks and I will be home with my little one by the time we have our second. For now, I am loving my success. I always knew i was a business woman:)