

So... I am really bad about blogging and I'm pretty muh thinking its time to just cancel this blog... but now that i have a baby, i feel to keep it at times, even though i dont blog very often, even about Brighton... The intentions of blogging about our awesome vacation was to do it right when i got back so i could put down all my feelings and that turned out not so well... so i will do an update about my interview and then i will continue on from there.

My interview lasted for about an hour and a half and when i started i felt like i was going to vomit... i even said that out loud... my miserable attempt of a "business: plan got a "ok" per my manager as a good attempt. I litterally had no idea what i was doing. I just know how to do my job when im there... its all about the execution apparently in management:)

Well I got it.! Literally I kid you not, i wanted to sing, (and i did), shortly after i found out i got it i found out my old branch manager who i could not stand was not longer with the company. Great job Wells Fargo for putting some more money in your pocket.

I had to take a step back and let go of the bitterness i felt for the people who i let ALMOST ruin my career at wells fargo. They are no longer in my store and some not even with the company. I have worked so hard, so patiently and so honestly to get to the point where i am today. Don't get me wrong.. being a working mother sucks and I will be home with my little one by the time we have our second. For now, I am loving my success. I always knew i was a business woman:)

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