
for all those of you who read my "inspirational" posts... and comments...

I just thought about logging in tonight and posting SOMETHING!!! but i was not sure what. I like it when i get comments, then i know at least SOMEONE has read my rantings which most of the time they are all over the place, my apologies:) The other day i was shocked when this particular person told me that they read my blog- i felt pretty good. Sometimes i post things on here thinking noone reads up on the crandell home in good ole maricopa--- so here is what has been happening.
1.) Andrew has been hard at work doing his taxidermy. He is so passionate about it and he often asks for my help to hold something or sometimes just to hold back the hair on the hide... and yes even one time he wanted my help skinning a bobcat- it was... different. I must say he has told me to shut my mouth a few times because i am so critical and i ask all kinds of questions because i am not exactly sure how it all works but i am learning... nevertheless, he still insists of having me a part of it:) haha. oh man... he is doing good though, ironically i found him his first client who he is doing like 6 mounts for! The other day he actually got his first phone call from a random stranger!!! He is still putting in lots of hours at Pro-Em and he helps out this other company and his bro at time when he can as well... needless to say he is a pretty busy guy.
2. As far as me... I am still obsessed with how i can become better with my photography and i am never far from looking at all the new camera accessories, lens, bodies... etc. It's too bad andrew and i both have expensive hobbies... since we are both just starting out we dont charge very much so we have to save up to upgrade:) I did my first twin photo shoot a few weeks ago and i am pretty happy with the outcome of that. I have already booked up my whole month of march aside from my long hours at wells fargo and I have a lot of events i will be volunteering at as well. I dont get a minute to myself anymore it seems...but on the good side i am doing service which is most pleasing and so gratifying! Wells Fargo... I love it! I would have never imagined that 5 months after i start i would be interviewing for a promotion... are you wondering what the answer is about my interview from like the beginning of February!!!!???? well.... here it is.... MONDAY! you will know monday...:)
3.) My mom... she is still living with us and is often doing my laundry, dishes, vacuuming, dusting, cooking, and often times doing my errands and shopping! Yep she is like my live in maid for the moment... I will really miss her when she leaves... not to mention how much my dogs will! It;s so funny how much they truly love her... I cant seem to figure out how she does it just yet but one day i will....
4.) baby on the way? No, just to lay that out. It seems like EVERYONE is pregnant and having kids. I want one one day then the next i change my mind or dont feel ready and the list goes on and on. I am more ready now then i was when i first got married... i will just leave it at that:) BUT!!!!! for the first time in my married life...... which is ALMOST 3 YEARS! NOOOO woman on EITHER side is pregnant because Ginger just had her baby!!! I like that:)
let's leave this post to rest.

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