
The house is coming along

These are some of the pictures when we first started to move things in. The process was not too long but after everything was in there was so much to put away!!! My doctor told me that i can't lift anything too heavy and does not want me doing too much so i don't take away fromt he physical therapy treatments since the accident. I almost felt helpless at one point but i was able to get through it! this is a picture from the dining room looking into the living room and its messy.
this is my accent wall.. You cant see the whole thing i will put ANOTHER picture up later. Andrew decided it would be cute to paint the stair posts and i really like it!

After Andrew unloaded our whole storage into our living room:(
just a different view but still just as much stuff

after a few hours work from Andrew and I.

Now it is starting to feel more like a home, but there is still no decorations up or any home decor.. that is all still sitting in a box..

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