~ I FINALLY got a job. It took me forever and I had pretty much given up and knew i needed to just go back to school and then out of the blue i got a call.
~ I am grateful that I grew up working and know how to work and do a good job, so therefore i am grateful for the "promotion" I ALREADY got at work after about 9 days and now I will be in a new department AND making more money-can't complain.
~ I'm grateful that I was humiliated but yet still humble to take the job i have. To be honest it is not my forte and I have had ALOT of people young and old ask me what in the heck I was doing-even some of the managers asked me:)
~ I am grateful enough that i did not listen to all the people who said i do not belong at my job- let me let it out. I got hired to be a DOOR GREETER! at Wal Mart. I was just so glad that i had a job, i got my foot in the door and now I am doing different things-People underestimate Wal Mart-yes they have some old and slow workers there but the people i work with all are great and have very unique personalities.
~ Again, I anm grateful to have a job but also very grateful to not be a door greeter any longer:) ~ I am grateful that verizon decided to fire me as an employee so I could see that i can live my life free of debt and not have to spend so much and have so many things. It is hard not having money all the time to do and buy whatever you want, but i never heeded the council to "LIVE WITHIN MY MEANS"- Now... I do.
~ I am grateful to and for my husband that he has been so patient with me when i have wanted to give up and kick rocks. Now i won't give him all the credit but he truly is a good man, at times I think I don't deserve him but the temple dignifies everything we are/have and will be.
~ I am grateful for my mom- she puts up with SO much crap from us kids, work, and some more work. She truly is a trooper- hang in there mom, things will look up.
~ I am grateful for my dad- oddly enough I am sure EVERYONE knows of things he has done, said, or not said and the hard times we had as a family but now-today- my heart smiles when i see his name on my caller id.
~ I am grateful for planes, trains and automobiles, bikes and even treadmills:)
~ I am grateful for our church and all the wonderfulness it has about it, the stories, the morals, the standings, the solidity and the truthness of it.
~ I am grateful for missionaries, the pair we have now really push us to do good things.
~ I am grateful that families are forever. Recently one of my sister in laws' dad passed away-pur prayers are with the entire family- but it is only through our testimonies and strength that we know those who die are continuing the lord's work and what an amazing feeling that is to know that it is truly not the end.
~ I am grateful for my strong, sexy, loving, charming handsome rock of a husband. I know I already said this but things have been crazy for us lately and each day i find out some way to love him more and more. speaking of which he had a bad headache the other night and he was WHINING:) I gave him some Excedrin PM- the next morning all he could say was don't ever drug me again- It was cute... that was on Tuesday, Today... Thursday he has another bad headache, come 8 o' clock he asked for some more of that medicine:) I love him
~ And lastly I am grateful for EVERYTHING in my life that i failed to mention that makes my day go by much easier than it would had i been born in the 1800's:) I am grateful for my body that i have one that i can use, walk, run, jump, talk. There are everyday things that we all take for grantid- there are so many people in this workd restricted and confined to wheelchairs, beds, or even homes.
Be grateful- one of Gordon B. Hinkley's 6 B's. It is a small gesture that goes a long way!
~~What are you thankful for?~~
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