
Our little Miley-

So this is Miley. I am such a slacker this post is long over due because Andrew and I got her in January! We had NO intentions of getting a dog that day when we were out and about and stumbled across this little one and could not resist. We decided to let the nieces and nephews name her- some of the choices were lila, lilly, pixie, and now I can't remember the rest of them but we chose Miley and it fits her perfectly. She is a lot of fun though. I know there are alot of people who don't LIKE dogs, but WE do and we love both the two we have. Together they make up all of 4.5 pounds. Everywhere we go with them people want to stop and play with them because they are so small. Miley eats like a cow but since we got her has not grown one lick and she is supposedly not a teacup but we are still awaiting her to get bigger. We will be trying to have some puppies when Miley is old enough. So the babies for Andrew and I are still not in the mix, I know i teased a little about our "new addition" but those are yet to come still. For now we are just enjoying us and our little yorkies. this was her first time up the stairs,she was a little cautious
she is such a cuddler. She does not like to sleep anywhere but on your shoulder or your face or neck, you would think she was a parott

And she is even THAT little that she fits in mty cooking apron pocket, now you have to admit that it is cute...

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