
5 Weeks

Brighton is 5 weeks today! I took this picture and while looking at it, i am seeing how much older he looks... it's crazy! He is so alert and awake for only 5 little weeks. He is nearly holding up his head and he watches me! If i move he follows me and has for a few weeks now. I love my son so much its indescribable. I know his personality already and he makes me laugh everyday. I know all his cries now and his mad cry makes me laugh:) Its just amazing how attached I have gotten to him. I dont know why im going to do in two weeks when i go back to work! I will miss him dearly every day, i just know it! My life seems to be so much more meaningful now. Its not that i didnt have a reason to live before...:) but now I just see life in a different perspective. I have a son! That makes me a mother, a wife with a child and the word FAMILY is being used now in our home much much more. In only 5 weeks my home has been transformed into a home that houses a baby and by that i mean the garbage full of diapers and the sink full of bottles, the pantry with formula and baby items on every reciept when i spend money. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy! Your little guys is absolutely adorable! You and Andrew will make great parents... how exciting! Hey- can I have your email address? I wanted to send you some info! Thanks girl... you can email me at

    Hope you and baby are doing well!
