
Crandell Family Vacation Part V

On Sunday the day we were leaving, we decided to make one last fun day. We went to the Pima Air and Space Museum. I guess we sure did alot of Museums this trip! This place had a father's day special for the dad's for father's day so they got in half price! It was full of guess what... Planes! It was pretty cool to see all of the old and wrecked planes that have been recovers and restructured to put on display. The museum was SO big that we decided to skip a few things because us and Amy and Leon had a dinner date planned for father's day back in Chandler. After we got done with the museum and we were all set to go home... our car decided to not start. It was a horrible mess. It was so hot out there and we had no idea what was going on. My father of a mechanic was back in phoenix could not help. With it being father's day AND a Sunday we were pretty much doomed. Much to our surprise Amy and Leon and Troy and Jennie were such good sports! They helped us figure out the problem and Amy and Leon even had to make 2 trips for us to get the right parts! It was awful...needless to say we wont be going to anymore museums on Sunday...:) This little one was names Bumble Bee
This is so funny. These were paintings of alot of the old planes that had things painted on them. Some are pretty Risque.

This was in the space building. I can't wait until we have our own kids i can photograph:)

And the other two kids.

This is ridiculous... Let me explain. That little tiny spot inside that glass box is a SPEC of moon rock. Me and Troy argued over this for some time. WHY does a TINY piece of moon rock need the BHIGGEST dispay int he whole museum?... "Because its been on the MOON..." Troy says...

I thought this picture was neat.

Some of the fam that went that day.

These two men are so amazing. They are such good guys and mean so much to me. Brothers.

Me and Andrew. We are so sarcastic from time to time

That's a true statement

There was a memo that went with this but too small to read,. Basically the pilot of this airplane was never found after it crashed in the ocean. It's so cool that it can stay semi-preserved under water.

This is 2 actualy outfits from way back in the day

Another one of the smaller airplanes

The wright brothers plane, it may have some other name. It made a nice entrance though

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