Andrew and I had a great Christmas this year! Despite my "early" labor I was cleared by my doctor to go to Heber for the day for Christmas... It may have been a bad day because i fell! right on my left side... oops... It really does hurt when that happens, but i am pretty sure I am okay.... I had a great baby shower on SAturday the 17th. Most of all my sister in laws came, my mom and sister and some close friends. I was so spoiled! I got almost everything i needed. Andrew and I only have a few things left on the list to get! Thank you again for all of those who came and celebrated with me.... Saturday night after the commotion calmed down we watched a movie with a few friends and my back started hurting.... it kept over until Sunday where i told andrew I had to leave early. My stomach would contract and my back would hurt and my legs would even go numb! It was crazy. That lasted throughout that sunday but it was not constant I went to bed with the intention of if i dont feel better in the morning i will call my dr.... needless to say i felt and slept awfully so i called Dr matthews in the morning and she sent me to the ER. I was having pretty consistant contractions but nothing else had porgressed so they gave me a shot... not one but 2 shots of tributeleen???? I dont know how to spell or say it really, but i think that is close enough. After a few hours it stopped my contractions and i was put on bed rest for 2 weeks and sent home.... WHAT!!!!! 2 weeks... there is no way i can do that... upon following up with my dr, she said i could go back on thursday and work for 2 hours then break for 30 laying down then work another 2.... that does not work too well at a bank.....but i did the best i could.
This is such a long post,... i know i am sorry! So here it was December 22 or 23rd and I feel like an obese person who cant breathe! Everything is fine with the little Brighton but they did not let him come because at that time i was 35 weeks and he only weighed 4.5 pounds! I just wish no more early labor signs with this pregnancy, i want the real deal~ :)
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